A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-free account you own at Optum Bank to build savings for current and future qualified healthcare expenses.
Must be enrolled in one of Trident's High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) in order to receive the HSA!
A basic video explaining what is an HSA can be found here!
HSA Eligibility
Must be enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) medical plan
Must not be enrolled in Medicare or Tricare
Must not be covered by other medical insurance such as a spouses health plan unless it is a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan (QHDHP) as defined by the IRS
Have not received VA or IHS medical benefits in the prior 3 months.
May not participate in a general purpose Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) or health flexible spending account (FSA), (Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account is ok).
Spouse not contributing to/participating in a general purpose health FSA or HRA through his/her employer.
Questions? For additional assistance, please contact Benefits by email at Benefits@TridentSeafoods.com or 206.783.3818 x1779.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Enjoy the rewards of a tax-advantaged HSA when you enroll in either Trident Seafoods HDHP with Kaiser Permanente or Premera Blue Cross. The money in your HSA can be used to provide first-dollar coverage for qualified medical expenses. The HSA allows you to "roll-over" unused dollars into the next year. Furthermore, your funds can be invested and grow much like the funds in a retirement account ($2,100 minimum).
HSA Contributions - Two ways to earn Trident's "Employer" Contribution:
1. Bi-weekly (pro-rated) Contribution: must be enrolled in Trident's HDHP medical plan
$350 for Employee Only enrollment
$1,200 for Family enrollment
2. Wellness Incentive Contribution: $500 upon the employee routine (preventative) exam; another $500 for enrolled spouse's routine exam. For further details regarding the Incentive Amount, please go to the Wellness Program page and click on the "Proof of Visit Form".
You may contribute additional pre-tax dollars to your HSA to a combined IRS limit between you and Trident in 2024:
Employee Only: $4,150
Employee + Family: $8,300
Additional $1,000 "catch-up" contribution for employees age 55+
Account Access - You may access your account anytime, anywhere through Optum Bank at www.optumbank.com. Manage your account online, or through your phone or tablet. You can check your balances, view account activity, pay qualified healthcare bills, view tax documents & online statements, or access education content.
Refer to the "FAQ" found on the right of this page.
Beneficiary updates - Click here for instructions on how to update your beneficiaries.
Links, Forms and Information
Group #HB4233
If you need an HSA card or have questions, you as the account holder are required to contact Optum Bank directly. They can be reached at 1.844.326.7967 or visit www.optumbank.com.
HSA Payroll Deduction
Employees can change their HSA contributions by completing an enrollment form in Ceridian (similar to changing beneficiaries). Any changes are effective the 1st of the following month.
Log into Ceridian, go to "Benefits" and click on "HSA Contribution Change Form" to start enrollment. We will only accept a paper form if you work in Alaska or one of Trident's vessels.
2024 HSA Contribution Form
HSA & Medicare
HSA Guide
HSA Qualified Medical Expenses
Optum HSA Beneficiary Form
HSA Authorization Form
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