Ergonomic questions or requests can be sent to wellness@tridentseafoods.com.
Setting up a Temporary Home Office
Over the past year most office-based employees have transitioned to working from home. As we adjust o this new work environment, it's important to ensure you're working from the best ergonomic set up. It might be tempting to work from the couch, a bed, or maybe a toilet - but these sitting arrangements may result in low back or neck discomfort. Sitting at a kitchen table or desk and using good body mechanics will allow you to work efficiently and comfortably. Click on the "Home Office Ergo Flyer" to the left of this screen.
Click here for home office ergo tips.
Office Workstation
Sit/Stand workstations offer users the ability to transition between sitting and standing throughout the workday. Recent studies have shown that the ability to stand throughout the day may improve overall health. While a physician’s note is not required, we recommend that employees discuss the use of a sit/stand workstation with their primary care physician to make sure it is appropriate and does not exacerbate any current medical conditions.
Based on current workstation set up and employee tasks, reasonable accommodation will be made in transitioning to a sit/stand workstation. Trident Seafoods’ standards for office furniture will be referenced for accommodating a sit/stand request. Request a sit/stand workstation by contacting Wellness to the left of this screen.
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