Questions? For additional assistance, please contact the Benefits team by email at Benefits@TridentSeafoods.com or 206.783.3818 x1779. They can assist with getting the death claim process started.
The Standard Life Services is available to help you cope and plan after the loss of a loved one. Call 1.800.378.5742 or log in online at standard.com/mytoolkit (login: support)
Bereavement Leave eff 1.1.2023 v2
Life Planning Resource Guide
The Standard Life Services Toolkit
Bereavement and Death Benefits
At Trident, we care for each other like family – our livelihoods, and often our lives, depend on it; this spirit of caring extends through time of loss. Losing a loved one can be an emotional and difficult event. Trident’s Bereavement Policy is in place to provide the necessary time for an individual to grieve, spend time with loved ones, and tend to personal affairs following the death of a family member. Please review the policy to the left for further details.
Below describes how each applicable benefit is paid out following the death of a covered Trident Seafoods employee or family member.
Group & Voluntary Life Insurance - Designated beneficiaries of a deceased employee with life insurance coverage will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the employee's coverage level; an accidental death doubles the benefit amount. In addition, more could be paid out if the employee has Voluntary Life coverage; in the event of a covered spouse or child's death, the employee will receive a benefit payment in the elected coverage amount. Please refer to the Group Life page (here) and Voluntary Life page (here) for more details.
Certified public accountants and financial planners can help with any financial concerns you may have, including estate closure or tax questions. For more information about Beneficiary Assistance, Estate & Financial Guidance, Will Services, and Funeral Planning, please refer to the guides to the left of this page. For instructions on how to update your Trident life insurance beneficiaries, click here.
Voluntary Accidental Death Insurance - Designated beneficiaries of a deceased employee (who died from an accident) with voluntary accidental death insurance coverage will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the employee's coverage level. In the event of a covered spouse or child's death and the coverage is on the family level, the employee will receive a benefit payment in the elected coverage amount. Please refer to the Voluntary Accidental Death page (here) for more details. For instructions on how to update your Trident voluntary AD&D beneficiaries, click here.
Final Pay - A deceased Trident employee's wages and any unused vacation pay will be processed in accordance with IRS regulations.
Health Insurance - Any family member covered under the deceased employee's medical, dental and vision enrollment will stop at end of the month following the death, and will have an option of continuing the same coverage for up to 36 months A packet of information and an election form will be mailed (to the address of record) from Accrue Cobra Management Services (CMS). Please click on the "Insurance Benefits" tab for further details of Trident's medical, dental and vision plans. To view monthly Cobra rates, please click here and view the "Benefits Loss FAQ".
401(k) - Designated beneficiaries of a deceased employee will have a shell account created in their name with Fidelity Investments, and any balance will be transferred. For instructions on how to update your Trident 401(k) beneficiaries, click here.
Health Savings Account (HSA) - Designated beneficiaries of a deceased employee with an HSA will become the owner of the account without tax consequences with Optum Bank. For instructions on how to update your Trident HSA beneficiaries, click here.
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