Dental & Vision
Dental insurance
Neuco offers a dental insurance plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The dental plan provides in-network benefits only. If you use an out-of-network provider, you will be responsible for any charges above the maximum allowed amount. Locate a Blue Cross Blue Shield network provider at
The table below summarizes key features of the dental plan. The coinsurance amounts listed reflect the amount you pay. Please refer to the official plan documents for additional information on coverage and exclusions.
Your dentist can tell a lot about your overall health during your dental visit, including whether or not you may be developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and even some forms of cancer.
Medical and Dental costs
Listed below are the weekly costs for medical and dental insurance. The amount you pay for coverage is deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.
Voluntary vision insurance
Neuco offers a voluntary vision insurance plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield.
You have the freedom to choose any vision provider. However, you will maximize the plan benefits when you choose a network provider. Locate a Blue Cross Blue Shield network provider at
The table below summarizes key features of the vision plan. Please refer to the official plan documents for additional information on coverage and exclusions.
Even if you have perfect vision, an annual eye exam is important. Just by examining your eyes, a doctor can find warning signs of high blood pressure, diabetes, and more than 200 other major diseases.
Voluntary vision costs
Listed below are the weekly costs for voluntary vision insurance. The amount you pay for coverage is deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.
- Schedule an appointment below with a benefits counselor during the enrollment period.
- Enroll for benefits on-line. As a new user, register at
Your Company Identifier is: NEUCO2022. Look for the Enroll Now! menu item.