LGO Hospitality offers four medical plan options through Cigna. The plans offer in- and out-of-network benefits, providing you the freedom to choose any provider. However, you will pay less out of your pocket when you choose a network provider. Locate a Cigna network provider at cigna.com.
The table below summarizes the key features of the medical plans. The coinsurance amounts listed reflect the amount you pay. Please refer to the official plan documents for additional information on coverage and exclusions.
The LocalPlus network provides easy access to a select group of quality doctors and hospitals near where you live and work, all at a lower cost. Visit cigna.com to search for LocalPlus providers.
- When you are in a LocalPlus network area, you must receive care from a health professional or facility in this network to receive in-network coverage (except in the case of a medical emergency).
- If you are away from home and need care, just look for a participating LocalPlus doctor in the area; if one is not available, you can use doctors or hospitals in the Cigna Away From Home Care network.
- If you choose to go outside the LocalPlus network—or outside the Cigna Away From Home Care network when LocalPlus is not available—you will likely pay more.
Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule
This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.
Medical Insurance Documents
Open enrollment has ended.
For new hires, when you are ready to enroll, please follow these instructions to elect your benefits:
- Talk to ALEX, your personal benefits counselor at https://www.myalex.com/lgo-hospitality/2022#intro. ALEX explains all your benefits in plain English and helps you choose the plans that make the most sense for you and your family.
- Log in to your Employee Self Service portal (ESS) at https://greenlink.myisolved.com
- Your username is your email address. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the forgot password link to reset it.
- If you have never registered your ESS account after finishing onboarding, you can email payroll@lgohospitality.com to receive a one-time activation link. The activation link expires after 72 hours. After you click the link once, you cannot use it again.
- Once you log in, you can click on the Employee Self Service tab on the left and select Open Enrollment. You will need to go through all the prompts until you get to the benefit confirmation screen where you can click submit. An action-required message will pop up if you need to provide additional information before submitting it.
Have questions about the Cigna Medical and Dental plans? Call their Pre-enrollment Education Hotline at: (888) 806-5094.